Stories from Injured Consumers

Donna Mattingly, Surprise, AZ

At age 40, I had just about every symptom you can have, migraine headaches, itching all over that made me scratch til I bled sometimes. stomach aches, IBS so bad I was afraid to leave the house, my head was so dizzy I had a hard time being upright. Then there was the pain, so severe I could hardly function, I could not open a jar my hands hurt so bad, my neck and shoulders were on fire, the pain was just unbearable, there was hardly anywhere on my body that wasn't in pain 24 hrs. a day. Full Story...


Lynn Foutch, Corvallis, OR

In 2007, I was training rigorously for the 2008 U. S. Women's Marathon Olympic Trials when my health took a down turn. I began experiencing neurological symptoms, gastrointestinal distress and major fatigue. Eventually the symptoms led me to a fall while running a ten mile training run. My training abruptly ended and over the course of three years, I have had the opportunity to pinpoint the underlying cause creating the disharmony in my body.... MERCURY TOXICITY! Full Story...


Suzanne Page Beaudoin, RDH, Ashburn, VA

I am a licensed dental health practitioner. I have been in dentistry since 1974. I have been a dental assistant as well as a licensed dental hygienist and have worked continuously in an environment with toxic fumes from the removal of silver fillings as well as in the beginning in the 1970's before gloves and OSHA/CDC; we used the 'squeeze cloth' method during the placement of the amalgam into prepped tooth surfaces. I am also a consumer. Full Story...


Mary Aspinwall, Ojai, California

When I was six weeks old my parents went to live in the tropics. I had to have all sorts of very nasty vaccinations when I was just four weeks old. These were preserved with mercury. By the time I was four I had lots of holes in my teeth that were filled with amalgam (mercury fillings) and I got more and more of these as life went on. I was plagued continually by septic tonsils that were treated with repeated antibiotics. My health went from bad to worse. Full Story...


Joe Novak, Mentor, Ohio

About 17 years ago I had a severe case of shakes, shivers, tremors, and numbness. The three doctors at Cleveland Clinic could not find a cause. One neurologist said I did not have Parkinsons and the family doctor said I had a "viral whiplash." My holistic doctor determined, after several tests, that I was mercury toxic. After removal of all my amalgams and replaced with composites along with DMSA treatments I felt like a human being again. Over the years, I am sure mercury would leach into the brain. I have been used as a testimonial for others regarding mercury amalgams. At 83, I am grateful to my holistic doctor and biologic dentist. The public should be aware how detrimental and devastating mercury is.


Susan Lehman, Portland, Oregon

In 1984, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. This was after having experienced optic neuritis as well as a number of occurrences of other neurological problems (numbness in my arms &/or legs). For the next 6 years, I had many exacerbations of the disease...sometimes leaving me unable to walk &/or use my arms. In 1990, I convinced my dentist to remove all my mercury fillings. Many fillings originated from the dentistry I had as a child in the '60's. Since their removal, I have not had any more reoccurrences of MS symptoms. Otherwise, I am certain that I would be severely incapacitated & wheelchair bound by now.


Dudley Smith, Wootton, Bedfordshire, England

From late 2006 I embarked on a course of dental treatment which involved drilling out old mercury amalgam fillings in order to fit some bridges. On my last appointment the dentist was drilling away at my teeth and my mouth filled up with waste as he did not have a dental nurse in the surgery sucking the waste from my mouth, and before I had a chance to spit the waste out, I swallowed half the stuff. In May/June 07 I started to feel very unwell – A lump in my throat, fast heart beat and general anxiety symptoms, this has now got progressively worse and I now suffer from shaking muscles when moving any muscle group in my body. Full Story...


Peggy Wells, Wayesboro, VA

I went to my dentist to discuss the possibility that my miscarriages were due to my mouth full of mercury.  He was noticeably uncomfortable and insistent that mercury fillings were safe. While he would not take them out because of medical reasons, he did offer to take them out for cosmetic reasons (which meant I had to pay for it out of pocket.)  I had them out immediately and within three months was pregnant with my second child.  We had three more children after her without problems. Full Story...


Torrie Crocker, San Diego, CA

I grew up in Sheridan Oregon, moving to McMinnville in 1994. At age 4, my parents began taking me to the dentist and I received my first mercury amalgam fillings. They called them silver fillings. Of course, my parents thought they were getting me the best dental care possible. Shortly after, I began having problems. I could not sleep at bedtime, would lay awake for many hours into the night, finally falling asleep in the wee hours and could not awake until noon. Full Story...


Debra Kaiser, author of book Hope and Healing, "My Victory over MS"

In 1999, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and my health was rapidly declining. My neurologist explained that there is no known cure for MS. However, we discovered that my MS was really Mercury Toxicity from dental work. We discovered that "silver fillings" are really made of 50% mercury. I had received a toxic overload of mercury in January, 1999 when my dentist drilled out two old fillings to be replaced with crowns. Full Story at Hope and Healing Web site...


Virginia Pritchett, Mineral Wells, Texas
Virginia's story was featured in the August 2005 issue of Womens Health and Fitness

In 1979, at 22 years of age, I had begun to experience unexplained gastrointestinal disorders that doctors attributed to stress. Sometimes I couldn't keep food down. I had become allergic to foods, chemicals, and other substances that I was never allergic to before. I had difficulty fighting off infections as my immune system was dangerously weakened. Full Story...


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