Paper : The Mystery of Declining Tooth Decay
> Health >
Teeth >
/ Diesendorf 1986
July 10, 1986 (Volume 322; Pages 125-129)
The Mystery of Declining Tooth Decay
by Mark Diesendorf
Large temporal reductions in tooth decay, which
cannot be attributed to fluoridation, have been observed in both
unfluoridated and fluoridated areas of at least eight developed
countries over the past thirty years. It is now time for a scientific
re-examination of the alleged enormous benefits of fluoridation.
Fluoridation consists of raising the concentration
of the fluoride ion F- in water supplies to about 1 part per million
(p.p.m.) with the aim of reducing dental caries (tooth decay) in
children. In fluoridated areas, there are now many longitudinal
(temporal) studies which record large reductions in the incidence
of caries (1). The results of these and of fixed time surveys have
led to the 'fluoridation hypothesis', namely that the principal
cause of these reductions is fluoridation.
Until the early 1980s, there had been comparatively
few longitudinal studies of caries in unfluoridated communities.
Only a small minority of the studies in fluoridated areas had regularly
examined control populations, and there seemed to be little motivation
to study other unfluoridated communities. But during the period
1979-1981, especially in western Europe where there is little fluoridation,
a number of dental examinations were made and compared with surveys
carried out a decade or so before. (See current World
Health Organization data on Western Europes's DMFT rates.) It
soon became clear that large reductions in caries had been occurring
in unfluoridated areas (see below). The magnitudes of these reductions
are generally comparable with those observed in fluoridated areas
over similar periods of time.
In this article, these reductions are reviewed
and attention is also drawn to a second category of caries reduction
which cannot be explained by fluoridation. This category is observed
in children described by proponents of fluoridation as having been
'optimally exposed', that is, children who have received water fluoridated
at about 1 p.p.m. from birth. The observation is that caries is
declining with time in 'optimally exposed' children of a given age.
In some cases, the magnitudes of these reductions are much greater
in percentage terms than the earlier reductions in the same area
which had been attributed to fluoridation.
The problem of explaining the two categories of
reduction goes well beyond the field of dentistry: contributions
from nutritionists, immunologists, bacteriologists, epidemiologists
and mathematical statisticians, amongst others, may be required.
Caries in unfluoridated areas
Table 1 lists over 20 studies which report substantial
temporal reductions in caries in children's permanent teeth in unfluoridated
areas of the developed world. In many of these cases, the magnitudes
of these reductions are comparable with those observed in fluoridated
areas and attributed to fluoridation.
1: Studies reporting large reductions in dental caries
in unfluoridated areas |
Location |
Years Surveyed |
References |
Australia |
Brisbane |
1954, '77 |
2,3 |
Sydney |
1961, '63, '67 |
4 |
Denmark |
Various towns |
1972, '79 |
53 |
Holland |
The Hague |
1969, '72, '75, '78 |
38 |
Various towns |
1965, '80 |
11 |
New Zealand |
Auckland (parts) |
1966, '74, '81 |
12 |
Norway |
Various towns |
1970, '80 |
54 |
Sweden |
Various towns |
1973, '78, '81 |
39 |
North Sweden |
1967, '77 |
55 |
United Kingdom |
Bristol |
1970, '79 |
56 |
Bristol |
1973, '79 |
56 |
Devon |
1971, '81 |
37 |
Gloucestershire |
Annually from 1964 |
37* |
Isle of Wight |
1971, '80 |
57 |
North-West England |
1969, '80 |
58 |
Scotland |
1970, '80 |
59 |
Shropshire |
1970, '80 |
10 |
Somerset |
1975-79 annually |
60 |
Somerset |
1963-79 |
61 |
United States |
Dedham, Mass. |
1958, '74 |
40 |
Norwood, Mass. |
1958, '72, '78 |
40 |
Massachusetts: sample of schools |
1951, '81 |
41 |
Ohio |
1972, '78 |
62 |
* Unpublished Communication
from J. Tee (1980), Area Dental Officer, Gloucestershire,
to R. Anderson et al. 37 |
Several of these studies give clues as to factors
which are unlikely to be the main causes of the reductions. A comparison
of the 1954 and 1977 dental health surveys in Brisbane (2,3) indicates
to a reduction of about 50% in caries, as measured by the number
of decayed, missing and filled permanent teeth (DMFT) per child
and averaged over the age groups, in the 23-year period. The 1977
survey distinguished between children who took fluoride tablets
regularly, irregularly or not at all. Although there were differences
in caries incidences between the three categories (which could reflect
factors unrelated to fluoride levels), even the "no tablet"
group had on average 40% less caries experience than that recorded
in 1954 So fluoride tablets were not the principal cause of the
reductions observed in Brisbane.
The first Sydney study (4) showed that children
with "naturally sound" teeth increased from 3.8% in 1961
to 20.2% in 1967 and 28% in 1972. The paper, which was titled enthusiastically
"The Dental Health Revolution", was originally used widely
to promote fluoridation in Australia. The authors stated that: "Almost
certainly, the availability of fluoride both in tablet form and
delivered through town water supplies has been the predominant factor...These
very large reductions represent a modern triumph of preventive health
care" (4). Yet the major proportion of the reported improvement
had already occurred before Sydney was fluoridated in 1968. Moreover,
no evidence was presented that fluoride tablets were widely used
in the 1960s. Fluoride toothpaste was only introduced into Australia
in 1967 (3). Although the index is unsuitable for more detailed
studies which distinguish decayed, missing and filled teeth, the
populations examined were very large (over 9,000 children at each
examination) and the results clear-cut.
A second Sydney study (5) used the DMFT index,
but was irrelevant for establishing any link with fluoridation,
since it reported only on examinations in 1963 and 1982, but not
around 1968 when Sydney was fluoridated. As in several other fluoridation
studies, the key data were either not collected or not reported
(6). Although the two Sydney papers have an author in common (James
S. Lawson, a senior officer of the New South Wales Health Commission),
the second paper does not even cite the first. This suggests that,
once it became clear that the first Sydney study contained evidence
unfavorable to fluoridation, it was a source of embarrassment to
some fluoridation proponents who are apparently trying to denigrate
However, an independent confirmation of the large
reductions in caries before fluoridation reported in the first Sydney
study (4) is readily obtained by comparing the results of two surveys
(7,8) separated by 20 years by Barnard. These surveys showed that
the mean DMFT index ('I' denotes a permanent tooth which cannot
be restored) for school children aged 13 and 14 declined from 11.0
in 1954-55 to 6.0 in 1972. The four years from 1968, when fluoridation
commenced in Sydney, to 1972, would not have contributed significantly
to the decline in caries prevalence in this age group (9).
The authors of one of the British studies (10)
cited in Table 1 point out that sales of fluoride toothpaste in
the United Kingdom were less than 5% of total sales in 1970, but
rose to more than 95% of sales in 1977. They quote unpublished annual
data from unfluoridated parts of Gloucestershire, collected from
1964 onwards, which show substantial improvements in children's
teeth before the use of fluoride toothpaste became significant.
Many of the studies in the Netherlands, reviewed
by Kalsbeek (11), were carried out to evaluate the effectiveness
of the school dental health programme. Temporal reductions in DMFT
of about 50% occurred between 1970 and 1980, whether or not the
children had taken part in the dental health education program.
Kalsbeek also reviewed the use of fluoride tablets and toothpaste
and concluded from the data that "factors other than the effects
of different fluoride programmes must play a role."
The study in the partly fluoridated city of Auckland,
New Zealand (12), examined the influence of social class (which
reflects environmental and lifestyle factors, such as diet) as well
as fluoridation on dental health as measured by the levels of dental
treatment received by children. The paper showed that treatment
levels have continued to decline in both fluoridated and unfluoridated
parts of the city and that these reductions are related strongly
to social class, there being less caries in the "above average
social rank" group than in other children. Thus the main ethical
argument for fluoridation, that it should assist the disadvantaged,
is not borne out by this study.
Fluoridation's benefits
On 15 December 1980, the Dental Health Education
and Research Foundation, one of the main fluoridation promotion
bodies in New South Wales (NSW), issued a press release entitled,
"Fluoridation dramatically cuts tooth decay in Tamworth"
(13). This document, which highlighted results of a study conducted
by the Department of Preventive Dentistry, Sydney University, and
the Health Commission of NSW, stated in part:
Tamworth's water supply was fluoridated in 1963,
and the last survey in the area was conducted in August 1979.
It shows decay reductions ranging from 71% in 15-year-olds to
95% in 6-year-olds...All those surveyed were continuous residents
using town water.
The "95%" reduction actually corresponded
to a reduction in DMFT from 1.3 in 1963 to 0.1 in 1979 (14), which
is 92%. The press release implied incorrectly that all this reduction
was due to fluoridation. However, it has been claimed that since
the commencement of fluoridation that the maximum possible benefits
from fluoridation are obtained in children who have drunk fluoridated
water from birth. Six-year-olds would have done this by 1969, when,
according to the published data (15), they had a DMFT index of 0.6.
The further reduction in caries in optimally exposed 6-year-olds,
observed in years following 1969, cannot be due to fluoridation.
Thus, one can say that at best fluoridation could
have approximately halved the DMFT rate in 6-year-olds between 1963
and 1969. (Since there was no control population, one could also
say that at worst fluoridation might have had no effect in that
period.) But from 1969 to 1979, caries in 6-year-olds was reduced
a further 83%, by some other factor(s) than fluoridation.
Figure 1 shows that the unknown factors caused
in children of each age from 6 years to 9 years similar large reductions
in caries. Unfortunately, there are no published data for Tamworth
beyond 1979 or in the years between 1972 and 1979, and so it cannot
be confirmed whether the large reductions observed (14,15) from
1972 to 1979 in children aged 10 to 15 were also due to these unknown
A similar reduction beyond the maximum possible
for fluoridation is observed for children of each age from 6 to
9 in the published data from Canberra (16), which cover the period
from 1964, the stated year of fluoridation, to 1974. In particular,
DMFT rates declined by 50% in 6-year-olds from 1970 to 1974 and
by 54% in 7-year-olds from 1971 to 1974. These reductions in optimally
exposed children cannot be due to fluoridation. Published post-1974
data are needed to check on further reductions in optimally exposed
children aged over 9 years.
From 1977 onwards, data have been systematically
collected from the school dental services in each Australian state
and territory (9,17). Table 2 shows the degree of fluoridation in
each of these states/territories in 1977 and 1983 and also the dates
of fluoridation of the capital cities of these regions. Each of
these cities dominates the population of the state or territory
in which it lies. The evidence presented in Fig. 2 and Table 2 suggests
that states and territories which had been extensively fluoridated
for at least 9 years before 1977 (Tasmania, Western Australia and
New South Wales) had qualitatively similar large reductions in caries
from 1977 to 1983 as a state which was only extensively fluoridated
in 1977 (Victoria) and a state which had a small and declining fraction
of fluoridation (Queensland). Although the results of the school
dental health survey are recorded by age and state, the data have
only been published (9,17,18) so far for ages 6-13 averaged in each
state, or for each age for the whole of Australia. There is evidence
that the use of fluoride toothpaste in Australia reached a high
plateau around 1978, so these observed reductions in caries can
be due neither to fluoride toothpaste (9) nor to fluoridated water.
It is to be hoped that similar data on caries reductions
in "optimally exposed" children will be sought in other
fluoridated countries. In a region of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
where the main water supply was naturally fluoridated with 0.9 p.p.m.
fluoride until 1972, reductions in caries of 51% were observed in
12-year old children between 1964 and 1979 (19). Factors other than
fluoridated water must have caused these reductions. After 1972,
the main water supply was drawn from a bore with less than 0.2 p.p.m.
fluoride, so a recent survey of caries there would be of great interest.
Benefits overestimated?
In some fluoridated areas (for example Tamworth,
Australia), temporal reductions in caries have been wrongly credited
to fluoridation. The magnitude of these reductions is similar in
both fluoridated and unfluoridated areas, and is also generally
comparable with that traditionally attributed to fluoridation. Can
it be concluded that communities which prefer not to fluoridate,
either because of concern about potential health hazards (20-25)
or for ethical reasons (for example compulsory medication; medication
with an uncontrolled dose), do not necessarily face higher levels
of tooth decay than fluoridated communities? In other words, is
it reasonable to ask whether it could be generally true that a major
part of the benefits currently attributed to fluoridation is really
due to other causes?
Such a hypothesis would seem to be possible in
principle because it is well known that fluoridation is neither
'necessary' nor 'sufficient' (the words between inverted commas
being used in the formal logic sense) for sound teeth; that is,
some children can have sound teeth without fluoridation, and some
children can have very decayed teeth even though they consume fluoridated
water (25).
To confirm or refute the hypothesis, it is necessary
(but not 'sufficient') to examine the absolute values of caries
prevalence in fluoridated and unfluoridated areas. If it is true
that the absolute values of caries prevalence in some unfluoridated
areas are comparable with those in some unfluoridated areas of the
same country, then the hypothesis is supported (but not proven),
and there would be a strong case for the scientific re-examination
of the epidemiological studies which appear to demonstrate large
benefits from fluoridation.
The earliest set of studies comparing caries in
fluoridated and unfluoridated areas were time-independent surveys
of caries prevalence in areas with 'high' natural levels of fluoride
in water supplies, conducted by H.T. Dean and others in the United
States (26). The surveys purported to show that there is an "inverse
relationship" between caries and fluoride concentration. From
the viewpoint of modern epidemiology, these early studies were rather
primitive. They could be criticized for the virtual absence of quantitative,
statistical methods, their nonrandom method of selecting data and
the high sensitivity of the results to the way in which the study
populations were grouped (25).
Results running counter to the alleged inverse
relationship have been reported from time-independent surveys in
naturally fluoridated locations in India (27), Sweden (28), Japan
(29), the United States (30) and New Zealand (31,63). The Japanese
survey (29) found a minimum in caries prevalence in communities
with water F-concentrations in the range 0.3-0.4 p.p.m.; above and
below this range, caries prevalence increased rapidly.
These surveys (27-31) also selected their study
regions nonrandomly. But recently Ziegelbecker (32) attempted to
make a selection close to a random sample by considering 'all' available
published data on caries prevalence in naturally fluoridated areas.
His large data set, which includes Dean's as a sub-set, comprises
48,000 children aged 12-14 years drawn from 136 community water
supplies in seven countries. He found essentially no correlation
between caries and log of fluoride concentration. The surveys (27-32)
are generally omitted from lists (1) of studies on the role of fluoridation
in caries prevention.
Further evidence can be drawn from Fig. 2. In 1983,
the absolute value of caries prevalence in the Australian state
of Queensland (which is only 5% fluoridated) was approximately equal
to that in the states of Western Australia (83% fluoridated) and
South Australia (70% fluoridated).
The classical British fluoridation trials at Watford
and Gwalchmai were longitudinal controlled studies. In this regard
they were better designed than the majority of other studies which
have been conducted around the world. However, as in the case of
almost all other surveys, the examinations were not 'blind.' The
review of the British trials by the UK Department of Health after
11 years of fluoridation showed that children in fluoridated towns
had approximately one less DMFT (that is, essentially one less cavity)
than children of the same age in unfluoridated towns (see Fig. 3).
The rate of increase in caries with age was the same in both populations
Thus there a number of counter-examples to the
widely-held belief that "All studies show that communities
where water contains about 1 p.p.m. fluoride have about 50% lower
caries prevalence than communities where water has much less than
1 p.p.m. fluoride".
At this point the empirical data presented here
may be summarized as follows. In the developed world:
(1) there have been large temporal reductions in
caries in unfluoridated areas of at least eight countries;
(2) there have been large temporal reductions in
several fluoridated areas which cannot be attributed to fluoridation;
(3) the absolute values of caries prevalence in
several fluoridated areas are comparable with those in several unfluoridated
regions of the same country.
Hence there is a case for scientific re-examination
of the experimental design and statistical analysis of those studies
which appear to prove or "demonstrate" that fluoridation
causes large reductions in caries. Indeed the few re-examinations
which have already been done confirm that there are grounds for
The original justification for fluoridation in
the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and several
other English-speaking countries was based almost entirely on the
North American studies, which were of two kinds. The limitations
of the first set, the time-independent surveys conducted in naturally
fluoridated areas of the United States (26), have been referred
to above.
The second set of North American studies consists
of five longitudinal studies -- carried out at Newburgh, Grand Rapids,
Evanston and Brantford (two studies) -- which commenced in the mid
1940s. Only three of them had controls for the full period of the
study. These studies were criticized rigorously in a detailed monograph
by Sutton (34), on the grounds of inadequate experimental design
(for example, no 'blind' examinations and inadequate baseline measurement),
poor or negligible statistical analysis and, in particular, failure
to take account of large variations in caries prevalence observed
in the control towns. The second edition of Sutton's monograph contains
reprints of replies by authors of three of the North American studies
and another author, together with Sutton's comments on these replies.
It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that Sutton's critique still
stands. Indeed, this was even the view of the pro-fluoridation Tasmanian
Royal Commission (35). Yet, in major, recent reviews of fluoridation,
such as that by the British Royal College of Physicians (36), these
North American studies are still referred to as providing the foundations
for fluoridation, and Sutton's work (34) is not cited.
An examination has just been completed of the experimental
design of all of eight published fluoridation studies conducted
in Australia. One (Tasmania) is a time-independent survey. Four
(Townsville, Perth, Kalgoorlie and the second Sydney study) are
longitudinal studies with only two examinations of the test group
and either no control or only a single examination of a comparison
group. The remaining three studies (Tamworth, Canberra and the first
Sydney study) have several examinations of the test group, but no
comparison group at all. Thus there has not been a single controlled
longitudinal study in Australia. (M.D., to be published). Moreover,
it has been shown above that three of the Australian studies (the
first Sydney (4), Tamworth (14,15) and Canberra (16)) inadvertently
provide evidence that some other factor(s) than fluoridation is/are
playing an important role in the decline of caries prevalence.
Hence the hypothesis that fluoridation has very
large benefits requires re-examination by epidemiologists, mathematical
statisticians and others outside of the dental profession. The danger
of failing to perform scientific research on the mechanisms underlying
the large reductions in caries discussed in this paper is that the
strong emphasis on fluoridation and fluorides may be distracting
attention away from the real major factors. These factors could
actually be driving a cyclical variation of caries with time (37).
It is possible that the condition of children's teeth could return
to the poor state observed in the 1950s, even in the presence of
a wide battery of F-treatments.
Causes of caries reductions
Many of the authors who reported the reductions
in unfluoridated areas acknowledged that the explanation has not
yet been determined scientifically (11, 37-41). It is after all
much easier to perform a study which measures temporal changes in
the prevalence of a multifactorial disease than to identify the
causes of such changes.
Nevertheless, the authors of some of these studies
have speculated that important causes of the reductions which they
observe might be topical fluorides (38,53) (such as in toothpastes,
rinses and gels), fluoride tablets (4, 38), school dental health
programmes (9), a lower frequency of sugar intake (39),
the widespread use of antibiotics which may be suppressing Streptococcus
mutans bacteria in the mouth (41), the increase in total fluoride
intake from the environment (9, 42), or a cyclical variation in
time resulting from as yet unknown causes (37).
The present overview has revealed that several
of the studies contain evidence against some of these proposed factors.
We have seen that the Brisbane study (3) and Dutch review (11) suggest
that fluoride tablets may not be important; the Sydney study (4),
one of the British studies (10) and the Dutch review (110 each provides
evidence against fluoride toothpaste; and the Dutch review (11)
found no benefit in their school dental health education programmes.
Although there is evidence that fluoride toothpaste
cannot be an important mechanism of caries reduction in some of
the studies reported here, it must be stated that, unlike the case
of fluoridation, there are also a few well-designed randomised controlled
trials which demonstrate substantial reductions in caries from fluoride
toothpaste (43). Hence, the hypothesis can be made that topical
fluorides sometimes improve children's teeth, although they are
not necessary. So topical fluorides may comprise one of several
factors contributing to the solution of the scientific problem of
explaining the reduction in tooth decay.
Leverett (42) has speculated that the caries reductions
in his smaller set of unfluoridated locations may be due to "an
increase in fluoride in the food chain, especially from the use
of fluoridated water in food processing, increased use of infant
formulas with measurable fluoride content, and even unintentional
ingestion of fluoride dentrifices." This hypothesis cannot
explain the reductions in prefluoridation Sydney (4), or those in
unfluoridated parts of Gloucestshire which started in the late 19602
(10). The ingestion of fluoride toothpastes (and gels) by young
children is well documented and could account for an intake of about
0.5 mg F- per day in the very young (44). But the food processing
pathway is unlikely to be significant in western Europe where there
is hardly any fluoridation, and infant formulas which are made up
with unfluoridated water will give only small contributions. Thus
it appears that Leverett's hypothesis may at best be relevant to
a minority of the studies listed in Table 1.
Here, the working hypothesis is presented that
fluoridation and other systemic uses of fluoride, such as fluoride
tablets, have at best a minor effect in reducing caries; that the
main causes of the observed reductions in caries are changes in
dietary patterns, possible changes in the immune status of the populations
and, topical fluorides. Indeed, a promising explanation is that
the apparent benefit from fluorides is derived from their topical
action. Then, since fluoridated water has a fluoride ion concentration
10 -3 times that of fluoride toothpaste, its action in reducing
is likely to be much weaker.
It is known that immunity plays a role in the development
of caries, as it does with other diseases. Research is currently
in progress to try to develop a vaccine against caries (45-47).
None of the data presented in the present paper provides evidence
against immunity as a factor.
Dentists often argue against changes in dietary
patterns as a major factor, on the grounds that sugar consumption
has remained approximately constant in most developed countries
over the past few decades. However, this is a simplistic argument.
First, crude industry figures on total sales of sugar in developed
countries contain no information on the distribution of sugar consumption
with age and time of day. The form of sugar ingested -- for example
in canned food, soft drinks or processed cereals -- may also be
important. Second, tooth decay is increasing together with increases
in sugar and other fermentable carbohydrates in the diet in several
developing countries (48,49). This was also the case with Australian
aborigines, even when their water supplies consisted of bores containing
fluoride at close to the "optimal" concentration for the
local climate (50,51). Third, there is more to diet than sugar.
For instance, there is some evidence, even conceded occasionally
by pro-fluoride bodies (52), that certain foods which do not contain
fluorides (for example wholegrain cereals, nuts and dairy products)
may protect against tooth decay. So the whole question of the relationship
between total diet and tooth decay needs much greater input from
nutritionists and dietitians.
Perhaps the real mystery of declining tooth decay
is why so much effort has gone into poor quality research on fluoridation,
instead of on the more fundamental questions of diet and immunity.
The main body of this research was performed while
the author was a principle research scientist in the CSIRO Division
of Mathematics ad Statistics, Canberra.
Mark Diesendorf is at the Human Sciences Program,
Australian National University, GPO Box 4, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
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