Amalgam phase out amendment proposed

For the Minamata Convention on Mercury, now in its implementing stage, Consumers for Dental Choice executive direct Charlie Brown proudly serves as president of the World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry – the umbrella uniting grassroots groups from every part of the globe.

Our success at the Minamata Convention treaty talks resulted in a requirement that countries must reduce their amalgam use – plus a mechanism for amending the treaty. Now we step up to the next stage. On the table is a proposal we helped engineer: an amendment to phase OUT amalgam use!

Hence amending the Minamata Convention to phase out amalgam is our fourth route to victory. We built the worldwide team, and now we mobilize it into action to support the proposed amendment.

But our opponents – funded by the pro-mercury World Dental Federation and the well-flushed American Dental Association – are lining up to derail the proposed amalgam phase-out amendment. They falsely claim.... is too soon to amend the treaty (it isn’t)...

....all that is needed is more waste management (which cannot solve the entire environmental problem – not to mention the health risks of amalgam use)....

....developing countries want amalgam (in fact, it is developing countries that are proposing the phase-out amendment).

Here comes our opportunity to phase out amalgam use worldwide!

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