The European Commission to propose amalgam phase out

The European Union has taken a gigantic leap toward a decision to ban dental amalgam!

The EU amalgam regulation that Consumers for Dental Choice and our European team won in 2017 required the European Commission (the staff arm of the European Union that works under guidance from the European Council and the European Parliament) to issue a report on the feasibility of phasing out the use of dental amalgam in all EU countries. So when the European Commission held a by-invitation-only amalgam workshop in Brussels last winter, we assembled a strong team of experts from Germany, Romania, Greece, and Sweden. Executive Director Charlie Brown was honored to testify alongside them in support of the urgent need to ban amalgam.

Just days ago, the European Commission released its report, which concludes "The review undertaken makes clear that the phase out of the largest remaining use of mercury in the EU - dental amalgam - is technically and economically feasible....Therefore, the Commission will present to the European Parliament and the Council in 2022 a legislative proposal to phase out the use of dental amalgam."

With the European Commission now on our side, we are gearing up for the final showdown in the European Union – a vast area of 27 nations with a bigger population than the U.S. and Canada combined!

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