ADA Says Consumers Should Have No Voice

Press Releases: 06.13.01

Wednesday June 13, 6:06 pm Eastern Time 
Press Release 
SOURCE: The American Dental Association 
American Dental Association Responds to Amalgam Litigation 
CHICAGO, June 13 /PRNewswire/ -- The American Dental Association (ADA) said today that the complaint filed in Los Angeles yesterday against the ADA and California Dental Association (CDA) by Kids Against Pollution and others may prey on the fears of people who have serious medical conditions by leading them to believe that costly dental treatment not based on proven scientific evidence is a cure for such conditions.

"There is no sound scientific evidence supporting a link between amalgam fillings and systemic diseases or chronic illness," ADA President Dr. Robert M. Anderton said. "This is a position shared by the ADA and all major U.S. public health agencies and is a matter of public record."

After extensive study, the U.S. Public Health Service concluded, "There is no sound evidence of any harm for millions of Americans who have these (dental amalgam) fillings and no persuasive reason to believe that avoiding amalgams or having existing amalgams replaced will have a beneficial effect on health."

"This complaint is without merit, and the ADA and CDA will mount a vigorous defense," declared Dr. Anderton. "This litigation appears to be an effort to 'gag' scientific debate. If the plaintiffs were successful, it would establish the precedent that professional associations cannot form scientific opinions and communicate those opinions to the public and the profession without fear of being sued by those who do not share their views."

The ADA does not conceal that dental amalgam contains mercury. It is a scientific fact that mercury in dental amalgam chemically combines with other ingredients, including silver, to form a biologically inactive substance.

The ADA has long held the view that dentists should not induce patients to accept dental treatment by using misleading information or information not based on the best scientific evidence. That's what the ADA's ethics rule is all about-protecting patients.

For information about the ADA's positions on oral health issues, visit
SOURCE: The American Dental Association

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