National Mercury Amalgam Awareness Week

Press Releases: 09.26.05

CONTACT: Julie Elliott 
Phone: 847-731-0318

Zion, IL - October 3rd – 10th, 2005 has been designated “NATIONAL MERCURY AMALGAM AWARENESS WEEK” in an effort to create awareness of the dangers of mercury toxicity from dental amalgams. The website provides information for those unaware that each amalgam fillings contain 50% mercury, about 1/2 gram of a known neurotoxin that poses a significant threat to the environment and to the human brain.

Julie Elliott, a local childbirth educator and herbalist, will be offering a presentation on the amalgam issue on Oct 2 from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. in Zion. “The Smoking Tooth” will be shown and discussion will cover how mercury plays a role in infertility, birth defects, hyperactivity, and many chronic and degenerative diseases. Julie will talk about her personal experience with mercury poisoning and will also discuss the upcoming bill that will be introduced to congress in October that seeks to restrict interstate commerce of mercury intended for use in dental fillings. Admission is free, but registration is required.

For more information or to register, call or e-mail Julie at 847-731-0318 or

For more information on dental amalgams and mercury toxicity, go to

For a list of books on the subject, go to

About Julie: 
Julie Elliott CCE, CLA is the owner of Birth Essentials in Zion IL and author of “Birth Essentials Vol I: Natural Remedies for Morning Sickness”. She is certified in childbirth education, labor assisting, nurse assisting, breastfeeding counseling, and family herbalism and has been attending births since 1995.

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